Thanks to those of you who emailed me recipes, my Thanksgiving dinner was a hit. I cooked all day Friday and then folks started coming over in the evening.
My coworkers Feryal and Turkan came over at 5 to help me get ready. I thought I would be relaxing by then, but of course I was still running around. I share an office with them. They are both wonderful people, but in many ways polar opposites. Turkan started making Turkish coffee (typically the longer it takes to brew, the better it is). Feryal, who accomplishes more in an hour than I do in a week, wondered if Turkan couldn't turn the burner up a bit and hurry up the coffee. The interaction following was hilarious and, unfortunately, ended up with one cup of Turkish coffee all over the kitchen floor!
Guests came later, starting with the head of my department. She and her husband were dressed to the nines, and I was rushing around in a t-shirt and jeans. . . despite my perennial lateness, the evening went well. Although my pecan pie wasn't half as good as my sister's, The apple pie and the stuffing were big hits. The cranberry sauce, unknown here, went untouched.
Next month we have a 5-day break right before Christmas, and my friend Evren has invited me to come to her home with her over the holiday. We will be going to Konya which is the birthplace of Rumi, known here as Mevlana. Every year commemoration ceremonies are held for Rumi in Konya during December, but this year is an especially important year because it is the 800th anniversary of his birth. I hope to be able to see some whirling dervishes.
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